I'm writing this post knowing I'm not going to publish it right now but I knew that whenever I got pregnant again I wanted to document the experience via my blog and well, here we are! Yaaaaaayyyy!! ;) In this post I'm going to share moments up until we announce the news and then I will share oocasional updates. I always love reading other "bumpdate" posts so I figured it would be fun sharing mine!
Here's a little back story.. Our first pregnancy devastatingly ended in a miscarriage at 11 weeks. My due date was my birthday and the day we lost the baby ended up being around the same time Norah (our second pregnancy) was born. Those two dates now are definitely bittersweet! I've briefly shared a bit about our loss
here and
here, but if you've ever experienced a miscarriage you know what we went through and if you haven't, imagine being on a magic carpet ride with so much joy and happiness you don't know what to do with and then the rug being ripped out from underneath you in an instant and you go crashing down to a very lonely, sad & heartbreaking place.
We were so blessed to go on and become pregnant again a few months later and then eventually give birth to a healthy little girl.
[5 weeks pregnant]
I found out I was pregnant on July 27th. As soon as the two pink lines showed up a huge smile came across my face and I whispered the words "thank you God". I was SO excited and thankful and joyful and happy but then almost immediately the worry and fear set in. The fear I experienced through my second pregnancy. The worry of letting myself love a baby not knowing if I was going to lose it. The worry I was going to have to endure another heartbreak. With my second pregnancy I lived for the next doctor appointment or ultrasound just for reassurance and I hated to say it but I feel like it's going to be the same way this time around. I know I have no control and I constantly have to remind myself of that but it's just hard!
So, here is something I will be leaning on in the months to come! "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds Jesus Christ." Philippians 4:6-7
Now to the fun part, telling my husband! I'll just leave you with this
video & I'm not going to apologize for my annoying mom voice. ;)
[6 weeks]
Oh boy, here comes the nausea!
I was very nauseous with Norah from six weeks until sixteen weeks and I feel the exact same way this time around. (another girl?!) I'm not vomiting, but all day I feel like I need to vomit nausea, I'm not sure which is worse but I wouldn't wish this several month long feeling of the worst hangover ever on anyone! Our first ultrasound is in less than ten days and I cannot wait.
Fast forward a few days past my six week update and here I am lying in bed so anxious for tomorrow. Yesterday I started showing signs of miscarriage. I'm scared and sad but yet I'm calmed by knowing there is nothing I can do besides hope and have faith. I'm calling my doctor first thing tomorrow morning.
After an anxious morning and a few ultrasounds, we have a HEARTBEAT! Thank you God! So what is happening? To simplify it, a small part of my placenta detached from my uterus which was causing the bleeding. And what did I do as soon as I got home?? I googled "detached placenta''.. duh! and then had a slight freak out.
Doctors orders were to take it easy... let me remind you this is when we were about to move and close on our home. Take it easy with a toddler and home you have lived in for almost five years that needs to be packed up?! Thank goodness for my AMAZING parents and sister who were so kind to help my husband and I pack our entire house.
[8 weeks]
After a follow up ultrasound and check up things look great and the bleeding is completely gone. I feel so blessed to be able to keep growing this little blessing.
[14 weeks]
The past six weeks have seriously flown by and I didn't have much to write about them because they have consisted of me being exhausted and nauseous all day long every single day. Like I said above, the worst hangover feeling that never goes away. When I sneeze or cough I feel like I have to hold back from puking all over myself.. and brushing my teeth is interesting.. And as bad as it sounds it's so comforting at the same time. My doctor offers prescriptions to help with the nausea at every appointment and I just kindly say I'm alright. It's awful and tiring feeling this way, especially when having to care for a toddler but it gives me reaasurance that this little babe is still growing and reassurance is exactly what I need right now.
To those who are struggling with infertility or dealing with a loss, I know how hard it is to hear someone else's happy news, I've been there.. your heart sinks a little, and you get a feeling in the pit of your stomach but I just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you and your journey.