Monday, February 9, 2015

feb 9, 2015 | diy: greenery wreath

I made this wreath last Spring and since I needed to re do the moss on it I thought I would share a tutorial on how I did it.  It is the easiest diy ever!  I promise.

[things you will need]

moss sheet
push pins
glue gun

First, lay out your sheet of moss with the moss side facing down.  Figure out which side of your letter the moss will go on and lay the letter that side facing down on top of the moss sheet.

Then, trace around your letter.

Next, cut along the lines you have drawn and peel off the backing of the moss sheet.

The back of the moss sheet is very sticky so be careful as you lay it on the letter.  Once in place, press firmly all over the moss.  Use your glue gun if you need to finish off any edges.

Run your ribbon through the letter and wreath.  You can hang your wreath many ways but I prefer to do it as shown.  Use flat head push pins and press into the top of your door as shown in photo.  

If you have a letter that doesn't have a hole like my B does you could secure the letter with green floral wire to the wreath and use a traditional wreath hanger.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and let me know if you have any questions!  If you re create this please tag me on Instagram so I can see :)