Tuesday, July 2, 2013


{Chalkboard Labels // diy project}

One thing I need to tackle in the near future is organizing baby N's nursery closet.  I know I want to use baskets on the top shelf to try and keep it clutter free and I wanted to make some labels for the baskets.  Any chance I get to use chalkboard paint, I'm on it! I love that stuff!  This way I can write on and erase anytime I need to change what's in the basket because being a first time mom-to-be I probably won't know what will work best until she is here and is the center of our world :)  Below I will show you exactly how I made my set of five chalkboard labels.

Materials Needed:
-cardboard pieces
-chalkboard paint (I used spray)
-stencil for label shape
-hole punch

First, I found my stencil I wanted to use, printed it out, and then cut it out. Next, I traced the stencil five times on the cardboard and cut each one out.

Then, I took my five cut outs outside and laid them on a large enough area safe for me to spray paint & not get any paint on the garage floor.  I have to keep the hubby happy when it comes to "his" garage & yes, I've made that mistake before! ;)  Once laid out, I spray painted three coats on each side.  I let each coat dry before applying the next.

After the painting was done and they were completely dry, I brought them back inside and used a hole punch to make two holes in each piece.  Then, I cut ten pieces of jute that were each about ten inches long.  I tied knots on one end of each piece of jute and then threaded them through each hole.

Once I purchase the baskets I'm going to use I'll thread each piece of jute through a hole in the basket and then tie the two pieces on each label together inside the basket.  I practiced attaching one of the labels on a storage basket I had in my laundry room so here is an idea of what it will look like.

Any mom's out there know what I should put on the labels to start out with?  I would love to hear your thoughts!

<3, Katie