{recipe} "Cleaned Up" Jambalaya
For some reason, the other day I was craving soup but I just couldn't make myself cook some because it still feels like summer here! (Hopefully that is changing in a few days.) Anyways, after thinking about yummy warm soups, Jambalaya popped in my head and since we have way too much deer sausage from last hunting season I thought it would be perfect.
After doing whole30 we pay much more attention to what we eat, especially during the week. The weekends and holidays are when I indulge and am more lenient on what I eat, in moderation. I kind of winged the recipe but I think it turned out SO GOOD! & my husband did too!
*I cooked 1 1/2 cups of quinoa (instead of rice)
*sauteed two bell peppers and one onion in avocado oil
*cubed, seasoned with garlic powder, salt & pepper and roasted three yellow potatoes in the oven
*cooked a link of the deer sausage in the oven
Once everything was cooked, I just piled all the ingredients and chopped sausage in a bowl and topped with some cheese and pickled jalapenos for extra spice. Next time I think I'll add in steamed or roasted carrots. Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful Halloween!
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