{Norah's Birth Story}
I'm finally sitting down to write out Norah's birth story. It's something I've wanted to do for a while so that I can have it as a keepsake, well, really just so I will remember years and years from now... Mommy brain is serious stuff! Also, for Norah to read one day. :)
Norah's due date was on Sunday, September 22nd but she was very cozy and didn't enter the world until Thursday, September 26th. I had my last OB appointment on the Wednesday before and my doctor made the decision to induce me the next day. The plan was to call the hospital at 7am the next morning to see if they had a bed so that I could be induced. Morning comes and I called and they told me that they didn't have a bed and to call back at 11am. Not what I wanted to hear! I knew those hours would creep by so slowly but not 15 minutes later my phone rings and its the nurse saying they are ready for me! Nerves, tears, smiles, worries all came over me. I could barely get the words out to tell my husband "it's time!"
The last belly picture I took at 39 weeks and 3 days. |
We arrived at the hospital, got a room and as the nurse began to get everything ready I started contracting on my own. My doctor was concerned about me having a vaginal birth due to the structure of my body but she wanted me to go into labor and see how my body responds since she believed my body would know best. After a few hours of dilating, which went unexpectedly fast, I started to push for about an hour with the nurse, who was the best! She stayed past her shift to be in the OR with me, I'm not sure if she could tell I was nervous or what but she went above and beyond! Finally, it was time to call my OB. I pushed a few times with her and she said "this isn't happening!" I'm so grateful for a doctor who is honest and I feel that I can trust completely.
So off to the OR we go! I remember as they were wheeling me down the hallway tears started rolling down my face and the nurse in front looked back and asked if I was okay, and I said "I'm just emotional" and she smiled and responded "well, it is an emotional time."
As they prepped me for surgery, Josh waited outside. The time flew by, or they just worked really fast. Josh came in. I was shaking so bad from the anesthesia that the anesthesiologist had to hold my arm down each time the blood pressure machine checked my blood pressure. It seemed like only a few minutes until my OB said "are you ready to see your baby?" Me: "already?!" "yes!" As she lifted our sweet, healthy & precious Norah over the curtain I smiled, cried, and turned to Josh and said "is this for real?!"
7lbs 2oz & 20.8 in // 9/26/13 at 7:09 pm |
Finally taking our girl home! |
She was finally here. I was finally a Mom, something I had dreamed about ever since I was a little girl. Josh was finally a Dad, and he turned out to be more than I could have ever hoped for to help me raise a daughter. Our hearts were so full, still are, and forever will be. I thank God often for blessing us with our sweet Norah Kate.
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