Tuesday, February 3, 2015

feb 3, 2015 | time for a change  

Hi friends!  I'm excited to share with you that Charming Heart is now...
This post may seem silly to some (or to a lot! lol) but because I LOVE doing it my blog is something I put time, effort and heart into therefore it matters to me.  I've been thinking about this for weeks after seeing this verse "charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised" Proverbs 31:30

Charming Heart was the name of my Etsy shop I used to have and when I started blogging I just carried the name over.  When I first thought up the name for my shop, to me it meant having a heart of love, a kind heart, etc because when you look up the definition of charming ONE of the words is "friendly".  After seeing that bible verse and looking more into it I feel that "charming" can mean so many things depending on how you look at it and it just doesn't sit well with me.  Having a gracious, thankful, & kind heart is something I try to live by each day of my life and I don't want others to be confused or to question it.

I feel that [A Mrs and a Mama] is the perfect name change because it's exactly what I love sharing.. motherhood, wifehood (and life)!  You can still find me on Instagram & Pinterest by clicking these links and I always have the buttons in the top right corner of my blog along with my email.

A huge, heartfelt thank you to each one of you who follow, support & and read my little blog!  It seriously means the world to me!