Thursday, March 17, 2016

Just To See You Smile | A Mother's Promise

This is a sponsored collaboration with Pampers and Acorn Influence.  
All opinions are always my own.

If you're a Mom I think you'll agree that motherhood is one of the sweetest things life has to offer.  And if you're a Mom you know that it's not all sunshine and butterflies and that you'll have some of your hardest days in life spent mothering your precious babies.

The hard days...  you know those days where you experience every single emotion possible.  You're exhausted mentally and physically, your child is fussy, wanting to do everything you don't want them to do, almost as if you can't catch your breath and would really like to lock yourself in a room and cry BUT THEN... your child gives you a hug or says "I love you" or just simply smiles and all of those hard moments, wanted tears, exhaustion completely fade away from your memory in an instant!  A smile from my sweet Norah completely refreshes my emotions and gives me a burst of energy in the midst of the exhausting moments.  It's as if her smile goes so deep into my soul that it makes my heart smile!  

When Pampers asked me to share my #MothersPromise thoughts began to flood my mind because of course as loving mothers we want to promise the world to our children.  Knowing how emotional life can be and how a smile from my precious girl can instantly turn my day around my promise (well, one of them) to her as her mother is to be intentional about making her smile every day but especially when life is giving her a tough time.  Whether she is two and having a fussy day or twelve trying to figure out where she belongs or twenty as she enters adulthood.  As she grows up I hope that I can help her see the bright side of things and the positive side in all situations.

"When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry show life you have a thousand reasons to smile."

To keep my #MothersPromise visible and to not lose sight of it, Norah and I did a simple and fun craft together.  We painted a picture frame to hold a favorite photo and display it in her room so we always remember how important it is to smile and how easily a smile can brighten our day.

You can view the video of our craft on my Facebook page.

We have been a Pampers family from day one and the wonderful Pampers Premium Care Diapers can be found at Walmart. They are durable, soft, high quality, hypo allergenic with extra absorb channels, breathable inside and out & have a wetness indicator (yes, please!!).   

As a mom, we could sit and write a mile long list of promises we would like to make to our children but what is that one #motherspromise in your heart that is most important to you?  I would love for you to share it here or hop on over to my Instagram and tell me there!