Sunday, May 17, 2015

mother's day 2015

Our morning started out with my husband going to urgent care after four days of not feeling so well and four days of me telling him he should probably go to the doctor.. fourth times a charm?!  What is the deal with men and doctors?? ;)  Anyways, his diagnosis was a double ear infection as well as a sinus infection and he was a couple of days away from pneumonia.. yikes!  Needless to say he didn't get to spend the day with us which was a bummer but I'd rather him get rest and get well than feel like poo especially since we are leaving town in a week.

I got the cutest card from N that "she" colored all over as well as this Alex & Ani "mom" bracelet.  I started collecting these about a year ago, I just love how simple and dainty they are.  Also, the jingle sound is the best jingle sound ever!  I know that sounds weird but it's so subtle it's almost relaxing..

I also got the sweetest card filled with many words of appreciation from my husband, what more could a mama want?!  It was probably the sweetest card I've received from him and definitely brought me to tears.

N and I spent the day at my parents house with family which is always a great time.  I'm pretty sure N loves her Mia & Chief way more than me and I know they love her way more than me... but I'm totally okay with it!

I know people say it all the time about their own Mom, but I'm seriously beyond blessed to have mine!  I cannot imagine life without her... actually I can and it sounds terrible!  She does so much for me and I love her so very much.  I feel even more blessed that I can say all of those things about my Dad too!

Did you have any grand plans for Mother's Day or was your's laid back like mine?  Either way, I hope you all had the best day because all of you mama's deserve to be celebrated!