Sunday, January 11, 2015


{Sunday Spotlight}

Hi friends!  This Sunday I am spotlighting Violet Bowtique, where you will find the most adorable crocheted accessories for both women and children.  I love both of the pieces we own from Violet Bowtique (the bow head wrap and lace headband) they are top notch when it comes to quality & cuteness and have been keeping Norah's ears warm when she's outside playing!  Read on for more from Tish, the creator of this lovely shop.

Why did you open Violet Bowtique?  I started Violet Bowtique, honestly because I was spending WAY TOO MUCH money on headbands and headwraps for my new baby daughter. I got the idea to try and crochet one myself, because I hadn't seen anything like that around. Turns out it worked out well for me. :)

How long have you been in business?  I started my shop in August of 2014 - so not too long ago.

What are two random facts about yourself?  I learned to crochet in July of 2014 via YouTube videos. I watched them for stitch ideas and techniques and then made my own products up. I actually don't even know how to read a pattern. Haha! Also, I'm a college professor. I teach Spanish at the local university, so essentially I began Violet Bowtique and teaching college for the first time both in August. I feel super young to be teaching college (just turned 30). I was a high school Spanish teacher for 6 years before I had Violet. College is much more flexible, and I only have to teach 2 days a week. Teaching is my gift in life - teaching Spanish that is - so I'm so happy I still get to do what I love and be pretty much a stay at home mom at the same time. I've also always dreamed of being an entrepreneur of some sort. This combo is like a dream for me.

What would you say is your peak and pit of owning your own business?  Peak - seeing the pics of babies in my bow headwraps. That beats EVERYTHING. Pit - I can't seem to find the balance still between being a new mom, teaching, and being a shop owner. I want to do everything in the world and take on all opportunities presented to me, but I'm starting to learn that if I do that, I don't get to sleep. Literally. Haha. I've had months where I would sleep maybe 4 hours so I could keep up with orders. I'm learning to scale back and make it more manageable for me, because I LOVE it and want to continue to love it.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone wanting to open a handmade shop what would it be?  Reach out to the other shops and start networking. Some larger shops really helped me out at the beginning, and I owe them so much! Also, take quality pictures - really, that is super important. Read up on it, get a good app, and invest a little. 

You can find Violet Bowtique on Etsy and Instagram.  I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend!


[find more from me on Instagram]