Tuesday, January 6, 2015


{Momma Do:  Verbal Mapping}

In 2008, I received a Bachelors degree in Interdisciplinary Studies for Early Childhood through Fourth grade and during that time of study I took an Early Childhood Development course with a professor who quickly became a favorite of mine.  One thing we studied that semester was the importance of verbal mapping (specifically for baby and toddlers) and it's something I have remembered and practiced with my two nieces and nephew and now with my own daughter.  More than likely you are doing it too with your precious babies!

What is verbal mapping?   Verbalizing what is happening or what is going to happen.

What does verbal mapping look like?

-Changing a diaper: "okay, we're going to change your diaper now.. let's take your pants off.. one leg, two legs.. (singing song to distract crying baby)... okay one more wipe.. now lets put your new diaper on.. almost done..  one strap, two straps.. one button, two buttons, three buttons... yay we're done!"

-It can also be as simple as verbalizing the actions your child is doing such as "your eating your carrots"  "your pointing at the dog"

Verbal Mapping Tips:
-speak slowly
-use short and simple sentences
-repeat the important words

When you have these "conversations" with your babies & toddlers you are helping them build a sense of trust and security as well as creating the building blocks for cognitive and language skills.  Even if you think they are just gazing into the air at three months old, they really are soaking in everything they hear, especially their mommy's sweet voice!

I hope this post is nothing but helpful!  I'm so excited to start this segment of Momma Do, you can read more on my Instagram.  Talk to y'all soon!
